Health Care eBook: Useful Source of Knowledge

Health Care eBook: Useful Source of Knowledge

Good healthcare eBooks can be used not only as supplementary materials for medical majors’ learning and research processes but also for other readers wishing to learn to protect health. In this article, Medicine Ebooks compiles interesting eBooks that provide important knowledge to help you raise health awareness. 

1. Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, kindle edition

This New York Times Bestseller was written by Atul Gawande, a prestigious surgeon, writer, and public health researcher. In this book, the author embarks on the most complex challenge of his medical profession. It is a personal meditation on how people can better live with age-related frailty, illness, and coming death.

Health Care eBook: Useful Source of Knowledge
Health Care eBook: Useful Source of Knowledge

Being Moral claims that quality of life is the ultimate goal for patients 

Medicine has shown its significant effects on human life. People can confidently control birth, injury, and diseases based on medicine. However, facing the inevitable fact of ageing and death, the final purpose of medicine appears to go against the interest of the human spirit frequently. Sometimes, medicine turns out to be just extending suffering in pain and illness.

In Being Mortal, Gawande claims that medicine should comfort and enhance our experience even to the end. Therefore, he suggests that there should be a more socially fulfilling model for the elderly. Thus, their last moments should be satisfied. 

You can download Being Mortal via the link: Being Mortal.

2. The Body Keeps The Score

The body keeps the score is one of the best Healthcare eBooks. It was written by Bessel van der Kolk, a reputable psychiatrist noted for his research on post-traumatic stress. The book can be considered pioneering research that transforms what we know about trauma and offers a bold new way of healing. 

Health Care eBook: Useful Source of Knowledge
Health Care eBook: Useful Source of Knowledge

The book provides knowledge on trauma and treatments 

The book discusses how trauma has changed over the past 20 years. It took Dr. Bessel van der Kolk decades to work with trauma survivors to write the book. Formed by the author’s expertise and experiences, the book shows us how trauma shapes the brain and what the healing practices are. 

He claims that trauma compromises sufferers’ capacities for feeling happy, self-controlling, engaging, and trusting. He also explores new paths to recovery by using innovative treatments that trigger the brain’s natural neuroplasticity, such as meditation, sports, and yoga. 

You can download the book via the link: The Body Keeps The Score

3. Mayo Clinic Guide To Pain Relief, 3rd edition

The book’s authors, Wesley P. Gilliam and Bruce Sutor, are both prestigious assistant professors of psychology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. This is a comprehensive guide for anyone suffering from chronic pain who wishes to overcome it.

This meaningful healthcare eBook explains how pain develops and how you can escape chronic pain. It contains useful information to help you regain your function and be more active, productive, and comfortable. 

You can use this link to download the eBook: Mayo Clinic Guide To Pain Relief 

Health Care eBook: Useful Source of Knowledge
Health Care eBook: Useful Source of Knowledge

The book is a guide to help you escape from chronic pain

4. The real James Herriot: A memoir of my father

This delightful healthcare eBook is written by Jim Wight, a talented veterinary surgeon. In this warm memoir, Jim Wight talks about his father, the veterinarian whom his family loves, and also half his world.

In the memoir, Jim Wight reveals a story about James Herriot, the vet who refused to allow prosperity and fame to interfere with his practice or family. With access to his father’s works and intimate remembrances, Jim Wight has written an excellent biography of the man who was his father and best friend. 

You can download the book here: The real James Herriot: A memoir of my father

Health Care eBook: Useful Source of Knowledge
Health Care eBook: Useful Source of Knowledge

The delightful memoir shows you a story about a great veterinary 

5. Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain

If you have ever wondered why you have a brain, this book is for you. This one of the most entertaining yet meaningful healthcare eBooks is written by Lisa Feldman Barrett, Ph.D. About the author, she is among the world’s top most cited scientists with revolutionary research in psychology and neuroscience.

In this book, the author reveals mind-blowing lessons from the front lines of neuroscience research, such as where brains come from, how they are structured, and how they work. It is full of surprises, humor, and important implications for human nature, and it is waiting to impress you.  

You can find the eBook here: Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain

Health Care eBook: Useful Source of Knowledge
Health Care eBook: Useful Source of Knowledge

 The book provides mind-blowing lessons about the human brain

In this article, Medicine Ebooks provides several interesting healthcare eBooks that you should not miss. These eBooks will offer you valuable knowledge and insights in the field of medical education. Hopefully, you find some good medical materials here that help you enhance your understanding of medical and health issues.